MeanMrMustard - yes the grievance is the point - if you haven't got one make one up. Forget 'turn the other cheek'. Even if you haven't been wronged, you gotta complain.
Haven't watch all the second video yet. Just part of it and it's reminding me about those who view poetry as real science. A poet, like a journalist, has license. But how does such a license tie up with maths, probability and evidence? The justification for poet license as science is 'I have experienced the truth in a way you cannot." So anyone who opposes the poet's beliefs is stone walled. Same with Watchtower.
I approached the Governing Body on the purely scientific matter of the number 3 actually being the number 3 and not the number 11. This was in relation to Dan 1:1, not the trinity.
On this special number 3 rests the authority of the Governing Body (ie 1914). And a special number 2 at Dan 2:1, supports 1914 as well. Their problem with number 2 is that it needs to be 20 and it isn't. Cause Jerusalem fell in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar and they depend on Dan 2:1 being the year that followed the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar. Anyway they make it all up and use brilliant techniques to confuse everyone about something really simple. Then they tell them to wait on Jehovah - who didn't get anything wrong to sort out their rubbish.
Am making a video on it to explain it all - here's one of the frames from it. What Watchtower is doing is making out Dan 1:1 is actually 2 Kings 24:1. Well it isn't.